Terence's headshot

Hey, I'm Terence Chen AKA TC 👋

I'm a software developer student based in Christchurch, New Zealand, studying at Whitecliffe. I have taken the plunge into this field and have been learning a lot throughout my journey and hope to continue doing so. You can find me on various social media platforms below.

About Me

I started in 2020, like everyone else, had decided to shift careers. After working a couple of jobs I had settled for a forklift driving job for a few years after my first time studying science. I had decided to go back to study and chose IT, not really knowing what I wanted but had experience building computers and at the time, played a lot of video games. This decision came at a convenient time as I found out the NZ government were funding IT studies through TTAF program and gave it a go.
I am now on my last year of the Bachelors and looking forward to seeing what this can lead to!

In my spare time, I play video, card & board games, watch tv shows, anime and read books and finding new ways to mess with my Linux system.

Throughout my studies, I have been challenged to use a variety of languages and frameworks/libraries associated with the language and have been able to use the knowledge obtained to create a variety of projects. This ranged from static and dynamic websites to terminal programs and mobile apps and am excited to continue learning.
I have also been able to work in a team environment and have been able to use version control systems such as Git and GitHub to collaborate with my team members.

Gurren Lagann Comic


















Card database website

A website built with Next.js, Node.js and MongoDB. This website started as a website for the "MHA" card game where users could register and login, search the database for cards and build their decks, however within a few weeks we had to scale-down our project to meet the deadline. This meant the website is now only a card database with a search function and login functionalities.

Avalonia GUI for Card Searcher

A GUI interface for the Card Searcher program. This removes the dependency on Excel spreadsheets and uses MongoDB to store information. Is still Work in Progress.

Card Searcher

A terminal program designed to search through an excel file for a particular card when its card code or name is entered. This was done with a Python library called Openpyxl and has limited editing capabilities.

C# Console card searcher

A C# version of the aforementioned "Card Searcher". This utilizes MongoDB to store the card's details and allows me to see if I have the card in my collection by entering it's name or card code.

Django portfolio website

Prior to making this website, I created a basic portfolio website using Django and Bootstrap, the main feature of this site was the capability for it to organize, the projects I entered into the SQLite database, into categories without my interference. This was my 2nd time creating a portfolio site and my first time hosting a website live. I used pythonanywhere to host the website.

Spotify Playlist Generator

This is a Python project that uses the Spotify API and Spotipy library to generate 2 different playlists. Calm and Upbeat. This organized my music library into the 2 playlists based on the "dancability" of the song.

Nice to Meet You!

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